Nicole Scherzinger works out hard

Nicole Scherzinger "likes to feel the pain" when she's working out.
The American songstress is admired the 

world over for her fabulously sculpted figure.

Nicole regularly works out, and boasts gorgeously toned legs. 
Her personal trainer Adam Ernster has revealed the secret behind her lean limbs - vibrating exercise equipment the Power Plate.
"She's a huge fan because she always feels the muscles she's working out," Ernster told US magazine.
"It packs the most intensity in the least amount of time, which is what she and I need while she's on the go. The cool thing about the Power Plate is that you can vary the intensity and make even doing a static move [like squats) feel brutal. For Nicole, it's not enough for her to work hard, she wants to feel the pain, too!"

Will Caton is a Power Plate Trainer and counts Renée Zellweger among his famous clientele. The exercise expert has revealed his top tips to get a Hollywood body on the fitness equipment.
"Do not just go through the motions!" he advised.
"You need to be in control of every muscle fibre contracting. This keeps the muscles tight and sexy and increases neuromuscular response and overall tone."

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